Monday, October 20, 2008

META Initiatives Group

META Initiatives Group (META I. Group) is a subset of META I. and consists of a cohort of scholars and potential scholars who are committed to transforming educational practices, policies, and issues which impact individuals, organizations, and communities, primarily within the U.S. Virgin Islands and the wider Caribbean. It is focused on facilitating excellence at all levels of academia through the use of quality research, targeted instruction, and robust technologies.

An initial impetus of META I. Group is to create a climate that will encourage individuals at all levels to engage in scholarly activities. This we support can be accomplished by maintaining a forum whereby interested persons, situated in geographically dispersed locations, may come together to share ideas and collaborate on research projects.

We invite you to indicate your areas of research interests using META I.'s Discussion Forum. This would potentially facilitate the establishment of one or more Special Interest Group (SIG). A SIG may serve to discuss and further develop common research topics and to exchange relevant data and other information among the participants.

There is no obligation for interested persons to use this medium, although you are strongly encouraged to do so. Any project materialized from these discussions or other efforts remain within the sole control of the involved parties, to the extent agreed upon by those individuals and any potential publisher or other stakeholder.

META I. seeks, requires, and has no proprietorship in any resulting project. We aim to stimulate an active appetite for relevant, scholarly, research activities. Therefore, we ask that you share your efforts, your challenges, and successes, thus allowing a wide audience to benefit.

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